Approdi consists of many people who share a path of volunteeringand donating time to support those who have no help, those who arrive in a new country and have to rebuild their lives and often their whole history. Collaboratingwith us means not only helping others, but also gaining professional experiences through an important team work, as well as training and improving by participating in periods of observation, coaching and supervision.


Approdi essentially offers free psychological support to migrants on our territory. Currently our structure is made up ofpsychotherapists, educators, cultural mediators and social workers with different experiences and from different fields of work who provide their time and skills as volunteers. We are constantly looking for new experts, but also for students, different professionals, people who would like to help us and who, like us, believe in donating their time to those who need it the most.


Approdi accepts internship requests from psychology students (during their Bachelor and Master degree, as well as at postgraduate level). The association holds an internship agreement with the University of Padua, as well as the Order of Psychologists of Lombardy.

The internships allow students to observe and deepen the whole complexity of the intercultural clinical work. Interns are also included, according to their skills and interests, in the various activitiesof the association (training, supervision, project development). if interested, is it possible for students to forward their internship request to the association’s official email (approdiaps@gmail.com)


Approdi is a non-profit association. For our activitiesand work we are dependent on donations: Even the smallest economic contribution can be important.

Thank you!

Approdi APS – CF 91399510378

IBAN IT55P0538702402000002596575

BPER BANCA, Bologna agenzia 2