We collaborate with public and private institutions implementing projects and programs for training, supervision and also psychological support and psychotherapy.

for public or private social organizations, for small or large groups. Training mainly focuses on the multiple and complex topics inherent in the workcarried out by the professionalsof the reception system.
for several teams of operatorsand professionals of the reception system. The supervisionis a place to address and elaborate the experience and the often contagious emotions of operators, beneficiaries and of the group. The aim is to analyze the needs, difficulties and resources of the team and to create a safe place for the personnel in order to guarantee the best possible interventions for them.
after a careful evaluation and diagnosis, it is possible to activate the individual psychological intervention.
The process of specific intervention path is a complex intervention methodology for all those conditions known as “extreme trauma“. Extreme traumas are interpersonal traumas which are repeated or prolonged over time and suffered under coercion or impossibility to escape. The result of these traumas is the presence of negative emotions, even if the memory of the trauma is essentially lost. Approdi’s therapies are specific, tailored and designed for and together with each patient. We take care of the person and his/her unique story, in order to give them the opportunity of flourishing again and activating the incredible amount of resources they have. It is an intervention that wants to recreate a sense of safety in the patient.
The intervention is structured in 3 phases(after the diagnosis)
- Phase I: reduction of symptoms and stabilization (teaching the patient to access, get along and tolerate his/her emotions),
- Phase II: Narrative/elaboration (through the use of images we try to get access to theimplicit memories and give expression to the experiences that could not be talked about before, but only re-lived in all their terrible emotional, cognitive and somatic expression).
- Phase III: integration and rehabilitation of the personality, returning to life (giving continuity to one‘s history, without insanable fractures or emptiness that cannot be fulfilled). (ridare continuità alla propria storia, senza fratture insanabili e vuoti incolmabili).
The “guidelinesfor the planning of assistance and rehabilitation interventions as well as the treatment of mental disorders for people who detain a refugee or subsidiary protection status and have suffered torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence” developed by the Decree of the Ministry of Health on April 3, 2017, confirm the necessity and validity of a multiphasic approach.
We collaboratewithpublic and private institutions implementing projects and programs for training, supervision and also psychological support and psychotherapy. In addition, we have been collaborating for a long time with the following associations:
UNICEF Italia, Arci nazionale, Arci Bologna, Arci Immigrazione, Arci Bologna, Antoniano onlus, Unicore Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, UNHCR Italia – Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati – Caritas, ASP città di Bologna, Làbas e Laboratorio Salute Popolare, Libera Bologna, Centro di Salute Internazionale e Interculturale, Hayat Onlus, Cantieri Meticci, CIDAS – Cooperativa Sociale, Piazza Grande – Cooperativa Sociale, Associazione MondoDonna Onlus, Tenuta Almerita – Azienda Agricola #oliomolise, Arca.